Operationalize SBOM Compliance, Governance and Third-Party Risk
Make SBOMs actionable, achieve internal software value chain observability and know third-party application risks.

SBOM Generation

SBOM Ingestion

Operationalize SBOMs in Three Easy Steps
Phylum automates your SBOM process from creation to ingestion to remediation. Make sense of listed software components, identify risks and policy violations and clearly communicate with vendors to resolve issues.

1. Define policy

Phylum’s policy framework translatesbusiness risks and regulatoryrequirements that drive risk decisions tosurface both acute and systemic risks,and filter out findings that don't matter.Policy can be defined for both individualprojects or vendors, as well as acrossentire groups.

2. Onboard stakeholders

Stakeholders can be onboarded eitherthrough direct invitation, or via a varietyof different integration paths. Phylumalso features a robust API and flexibleextension framework, enabling deepcustomization and rapid adaptation toexisting workflows and businessprocesses.

3. Manage findings

Users can easily manage and automatethe full lifecycle of SBOMs, which includecollaborating on findings, searchingthrough catalogued SBOMs to identifyspecific projects impacted by a particularsoftware component or vulnerability, andregistering to receive alerts if a new issuethat violates policy pops up.

Findings and SBOMs can easily be exported for use in other systems and workflows, and changes to policyor issue suppressions can be tracked and audited to ensurecontinuous compliance.

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Continuously monitor for software supply chain

Get notified when new issues arise or a package displays risky behavior after use.

Phylum Research
Follow our research blog to stay up to date on our latest reports and findings.​
See Phylum Research
Rust Malware Staged on Crates.io
Phylum successfully identified and stopped the publication of malicious packages to the Rust ecosystem, Crates.io.
Sophisticated, Highly-Targeted Attacks Continue to Plague npm
Packages found communicating with C2 servers waiting for commands from attackers.
Targeted npm Malware steals company source code
Packages uncovered exfiltrating source code to an attacker controlled FTP server...